Sunday, September 30, 2012

Forign Language

Kids are like little sponges and there is no time like the present to teach a anything and everything you can.  Your only limitation is yourself and how much you are willing to teach yourself in order to teach the kids. 

My son is 14 months old and when he wants more of something at meals he used to scream.  When he was younger I started to show him the sign for more while saying the word.  When he repeated the word or the sign I would clap and give him more.  Now he signs more when he wants more without being prompted.  

Easy ASL signs include:


Thank you


All done

 (Thank you google images for the sign descriptions)

In our class the kids love to sign the ABC's.  Our one rule is that every student tries every time we practice, and practice really does make perfect.  In no time at all the kids were really starting to grasp the letter formations and were able to keep up with the song! Depending on how into signing your group is you could continue on and teach signs for animals, and other keywords that go with themes in the classroom!

Other easy language skills to teach include counting in other languages.

Our children count 1-10 in english, then spanish, then french.  They love it!

I could go on but the point is that if the children are enjoying themselves and you are willing to be patient and teach some new skills then go for it! The sky is the limit! 

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