----------------------------> This section is under construction!! I will be constantly adding to this section and adding notes to activities as I go!
When the kids are antsy these are my go tos:
Read a book: Don't be lame and just read. READ a book, get into it get excited and they will too. Change your voice and ask questions as you go. I promise you will have their full attention.
Ask an open ended question. Get creative and they will too. You would be surprised how elaborate a story children will come up with especially if you have a large group.
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. All kids know this song. Its great for movement and you can draw it out by singing it slowly then working up to the fastest you can sing and do the movements. Also as an added bonus..it teaches body parts.
Sign Language ABC's
The wheels on the bus- I love this song because it can go on and on and on and on. If you want. If not it can be quick and easy but awesome because the kids can participate with hand motions as well as their voice.
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep
The driver on the bus goes move on back, move on back, move on back
The doors on the bus go open and shut, open and shut, open and shut
The people on the bus go up and down, up and down, up and down
The babys on the bus go waa, waa, waa
The mommies on the bus go shhh, shhh, shhh
The daddies on the bus go I love you, I love you, I love you
Alphabet Yoga. Have the kids spread out, turn out the lights (this is a quiet activity) and call out a letter. The child needs to shape themselves using their body in the shape of the letter. Great for letter recognition and its a good healthy way to keep in shape.
Doggie Doggie wheres my bone? Have the kids sit in a circle- choose one child to close their eyes, then give the "bone" to one child and have them hide it in their hand. When the chosen child opens their eyes all of the children should have their hands out and closed. The chosen child gets to guess who has the bone. This game can be as long or short as needed.
I spy- This is a classic since it works EVERYWHERE. Pick an object- I spy with my little eye something.. blue. Guess till you figure it out.
Letter game- What in this room starts with... D!
Shape/Color/number hunt- Choose a number/shape/color and have the child find that color/shape/number in whatever room they are in. This game is great because it really works on letter/shape/color/number recognition.
Duck, Duck, Goose- Kids sit in a circle and one child goes around the outside touching childrens heads and saying goose to each until they chose a child and then they say goose! The "goose" chases the chosen child around the circle.
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? Kids LOVE any game or song where they are the center of attention. This is great because you can sing it for every child in the class. Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? (class) Kati stole the cookie from the cookie jar. (class) Who me? (Kati) Couldn't be! (Kati) Then who? (Class)
Freeze Dance-
Leap Frog-
Follow the Leader
Rock, Paper, Scissors- Have all the kids stand up. Get the kids to all chorus “rock, scissors, paper”.
Whoever loses against the chosen one child must sit down. If the kids win or tie they remain standing. Continue until you have a winner.
Red Light/Green Light-
All of these activities don't need all this extra to do, HOWEVER, kids like new. They like exciting. You can buy plain white ping pong balls and write on them in sharpie marker with all the listed fun, educational 5 minute activities! Easy, and cheap.

I love it because children like to feel like they have a choice, that their opinions matter and this way they get to feel like that and you know they will be choosing an age appropriate activity that will be fun and educational!
For alternative uses for older children you can use the pong balls to write chores on them! You can create a game where cleaning is fun!
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