This game is called Creepy Critters. Using a solid colored manilla envelope you choose a theme and then choose the skill you want the students to work on. This particular game is used to work on patterning. On the inside of the folder there are 12 caterpillars each with a different pattern. Off to the sides of the folder there are 12 individual pieces that match the caterpillars on the folder. Enrichment: To make this game more difficult for students who are not challenged make make the same patterns but in different colors. Then the students truly need to focus on the pattern instead of just matching colors.
For this game there are 10 dog houses and 10 dogs. Each house and each dog has a number on it. Children must match the dog to its numbered house. To make this game dog houses and the dogs were printed out, colored and then covered and sealed in clear contact paper.

The game "Funny Farm" is a matching game that teaches the appearances of animals. On the folder you can see the tails of each animal on the farm, and you are required to match the face of the animal to the tail.
Enrichment: For a child beginning to recognize letters, you could add the first letter of each animal as an individual piece that the child must lay near the completed animal to work on letter recognition as well as animal recognition.
In this game "The Cookie Jar" there are "cookies" with shapes on them and their are corresponding shape is printed on the cookie jar. The goal is to put all the cookies onto their respective jars. Once all of the shapes are sorted count each jar to find out how many cookies are in each. Enrichment: Instead of shapes you could match colors or numbers on the cookies.
This game is called "Make a Wish. In each well there are two letters and the goal is to finish the pattern by sliding the final letter into the well.
This game is one of my favorites. This is an opposites game and the kids have to match night and day, up and down, tall and short, etc.