Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Life and My (and friends!) Creations!


Canvases (any size)
Tissue paper (any color)
Photo printer
1 piece of tagboard (Can use computer paper)
Mod Podge  Paint Brush


I made this "purple and gray" collage of pictures for my sister for her new apartment! Her color theme was obviously purple and gray so I made the pictures black and white to fit the theme!

I started by choosing the design I wanted for the collage.  I decided I wanted to frame the pictures with the L shaped designs in each of the corners and fill the center and sides with black and white pictures.   

Once all of my pictures were chosen things got a little bit tricky.  Using the piece of tag board I measured a piece of tissue paper with an extra inch on each side and taped it to the tag board and printed the picture.  

Once the picture is printed, I un-taped the tissue paper and cut it down to size (8x10).  

This next part is really important.  Using a paint brush, brush a light coating of mod podge onto the canvasGently set the top quarter of the tissue paper onto the canvas and evenly press as you lay down more of the picture to get rid of all of the bubbles.

Once the picture is all pressed onto the canvas let the mod podge dry for a few minutes.  

Put one final coating of mod podge over the tissue paper picture and once dry you are all done!  


Disclaimer: These wonderfully creative decorations were done by my friend and old co worker Katie W. She decked out her WHOLE house for her sons 4th birth and it was awesome! Here are just a few of her amazing designs!

The picture on the left are frankenstein pudding cups.  I would tell you what was in them but I really don't know..they were delicious though! On the right she made these monster teeth out of apple slices, mini-marshmallows and peanut butter. Also delicious.  Go Katie for taking the time to make all of this! 

Last but certainly not least mummy juice boxes.  Austin LOVED these and must have had 3.  These boxes were hand wrapped with medical tape? and then the googly eyes were added to give to the effect.  Thanks for the inspiration for my next Halloween party Katie!